Friday, January 28, 2011

"Mali": Tastes Like Avocado..almost like Avocado...

Here's a local fruit that I think not many people know about. Its called "mali" in Kenyah. It is a seasonal fruit which are often collected before or after the harvesting season. People often collected them and air dried in their kitchens in the past. Nowadays, they are sold in small plastic colanders and can fetch up to RM 5.00 for every 10 bulbs of the fruit.

It a very interesting fruit because you have to cook it (blanched it in hot water) before eating it. It also taste almost like avocado ( pleasant, bland, creamy and fleshy). Here are some pictures of the fruit and also some pictures of how it is prepared for consumption.

 Step 1: Unplug the fruits from the stems.
 Step 2: Put them in a bowl of course and leave the stem out (they can be toxin, causing tummy ache).
Step 3: You don't have to do this!  :-)

 Step 4: Pour it hot water until all fruits are submerged. Tell the kids not to stick their fingers in coz its HOT!

 Step 5: Cover with a lid or a plate until the fruits are soft (cooked).

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